Monday, February 9, 2009

What the hell happened?

I don't know. I really don't.

I've been gone. I'm sitting here, in my room, in solitude, watching a bowl of ice cream disappear a few minutes before I want to go to sleep. I look in the mirror and see that the protrusion of my gut is larger than the length of my forearm. I check up on an old, seemingly abandoned blog...scroll to the bottom and see that I haven't made any progress...any progress at all from when I first posted here in July of last year.

I think of where I would be now if I had stayed on track. Really, I think of this about a lot of things. Where would I be today if I never put down the guitar a few years ago? Where would I be today if I finished reading that book about Linux in the 7th grade? Where would I be today if I never met some of the friends I have now, or never left some of the friends that I had?

But the weight thing. The size thing. It's something that's been bothering me. Where would I be now if I hadn't stopped going to the gym and working out on a semi-regular basis.

You know I lost two belt notches from the time that I joined the gym to the time that I stopped posting? That I was starting to feel more and more confident, that I could look in the mirror and actually start to see my traps?

You know that now I have to sit at my desk a certain way to keep my khakis from digging into my thighs? That I have to always be the driver, because riding shotgun in my friends '96 Civic means my legs have to be so close together that I might actually pop a testicle under the pressure?

You know what my biggest excuse for not going to the gym was? That leaving my gym clothes in my car all day would make them uncomfortably cold by the time I had to change in to them.

Over the past month my Warcraft addiction resurfaced. I started a Blood Elf Paladin a few weeks ago and he's now at level 51. FIFTY-FREAKIN-ONE. Where would I be now if I spent that much time on an elliptical.

What the hell am I doing with myself.

Reddit, WebMD, and everyone else whose gotten this link -- it's time. It's time for change. It's time for action. It's time for The Skinny. It's time to make 2.5 equal 1.